Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today, I drove the Chinese Buyers to Bkt. Besi in Terengganu. Heading there was easy and fun too. With palm trees along the side and all.
Anyway, as I was travelling there...we had to wait at a local coffee house for the guide to take us to the side. As this site is said to belong to Perwaja Steel(Kemaman), security was tight.
Infact, we had to travel up the hill and pass thru two fully armed guard.

As like other site, the equipments and trucks are all there. Infact, from the looks of it, a lot of capital was pump into this site.
This site has some good stuff, especially magnetite iron ore from Fe 48% to Fe 55%.
This site has a very good system and am able to maintain the quality of their iron ore products.

Well Done Malaysian!!