Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hermatite Iron Ore
What a shiny day it was when I visited this Iron Ore Mine, which was in Gambang, Pahang. Right beside the road going to Segamat.

A bit hot weather but the view and scale of this mine was tremendous.
The trucks that carry the stock piles going in and out of the site. Really a tremendous sight, and not impossible for the owner to have a huge pay check.
I think about 30 to 50,000 tan was available there.
The hematite ores are from Fe50% to Fe58%.

I think with this size, rarely any problem to supply large amount of quantity for the buyers.
Also, the standard of Fe is maintainable. I wish the best to this mine, as the progress and upgraded machinery are incredible.
Well, anyway.. for those interested can always inquire.
The best mine I ever been.