Sunday, September 30, 2012


Bukit Besi Police Station

It's been quite sometime since I've been to Bukit Besi in Terengganu, I think the last time was in 2010.

View of Bukit Besi, Terengganu

And now after so long, I got shock to see mining on Bukit Besi has improved. There were rumors that about 3 companies are mining around the hill. 
When I arrived there around 11.00am, I was entertained by an agent from one of the mining companies. He explained the new pricing and payment terms to me.

Road heading up to the hill
Entrance to One of the Mining Site

After the meeting and since it was a Friday and a public holiday there. we couldn't wander around the mining sites. We seen a few places there, and also saw a mining site working.

Old Ruins of an English-era Mining
Part of the Ruins of an English-Era Mining

I was mistify by the changes around Bukit Besi, Terengganu. It was not like the old days when the hill was full of trees and historical foundations.